This is why I quit my day job to work as a freelance web developer

Patrick Lumumba
4 min readJan 2, 2024

After working for over two years as a digital marketer for an electronics company in the city, I decided to take the leap and quit my full-time job to work as a freelance web developer.

It was a big decision to leave the stability of a steady paycheck, but I felt limited and unfulfilled in my role.

Image by Patrick L.

The move to freelancing offered me more freedom, flexibility, and control over my work. Here are the reasons why I quit my day job to work for myself as a freelance web developer.

I wanted more flexibility and freedom

The rigid 9-to-5 schedule and office routine were really starting to wear on me.

As a digital marketer for an electronics company, I often felt trapped at my desk and constrained by other people’s schedules and demands. Though the work was interesting, I dreaded the daily commute and lack of flexibility.

My free time outside of work was limited, making it hard ever truly to relax or work on personal projects.

As a freelance web developer, I have full control over my schedule. I can choose when I work, take time off as needed, and work from anywhere with an internet connection.

The freedom and flexibility to manage my own time allow me to have a better work-life balance.

I can be more productive by working when I have the most energy and take breaks to recharge. The freelance lifestyle offers me more freedom and flexibility day-to-day.

I wanted to diversify my skills and expand my expertise

While I gained valuable digital marketing skills at my full-time job, my professional growth was plateauing.

The scope of my role was quite narrow, focused solely on social media marketing for one company. I wanted the opportunity to diversify my expertise and continue learning new skills.

As a freelance web developer, I can work on a wide variety of projects for different clients. No two projects are ever the same, allowing me to expand my skillset constantly.

I can challenge myself by taking on new types of web development work across different industries.

Every project allows me to get out of my comfort zone, learn new programming languages or frameworks, and become a more well-rounded developer.

Pursuing freelance work has enabled me to broaden my professional abilities.

I wanted to take control over my income

While I made a decent and steady salary at my 9-to-5 job, I often felt like raises and promotions were out of my control.

As an employee, I was capped by what the company budgeted for my role. However, as a freelancer, I have the flexibility to set my own rates and control how much I earn.

The harder I work and the more projects I take on, the more I can make for myself.

Now that I manage my own freelance web development business, I have full control over what I charge clients.

I can raise my rates as I gain more experience, skills, and positive reviews. It’s empowering and motivating to know my income potential is truly limitless rather than capped as an employee.

By taking charge of my career as a freelancer, I’ve gained control over my financial success.

I wanted more ownership over my work

While working at the electronics company, I often felt disconnected from the final outcomes of projects. I was just one part of a large marketing team, executing small tasks. It wasn’t easy to feel true ownership over any one campaign or initiative.

As a freelance web developer, the projects I work on are my own. I handle every aspect, from meeting with clients to scoping projects, programming sites from scratch, and launching finished products.

The websites I create are tangible representations of my skills and abilities. Having full ownership over freelance projects brings me greater pride and satisfaction in my work.

I’ve also built a professional portfolio that demonstrates my capabilities in a way I never could as a full-time employee.

I wanted a career, not just a job

While my job as a digital marketer was a stable source of income, I was going through the motions for a paycheck.

As an employee, I didn’t feel truly invested in the success of someone else’s company. I dreaded Mondays and lived for Fridays.

Being a freelance web developer gives me a sense of building a real career that aligns with my passions. I genuinely enjoy the challenge of freelancing, learning new skills, and running my own business.

Building my brand and portfolio feels empowering, not just clocks to punch. Even on difficult days, I understand it’s an investment in my future.

The autonomy, flexibility, and ownership over my work make freelancing feel like a career I can be proud of, not just a job.


Making the leap from full-time employment to freelance web development was one of the best career decisions I’ve made.

While giving up a steady paycheck was certainly scary, the benefits of freelancing far outweigh any sense of stability I once had. I’ve never felt more creatively free and in control over my professional life.

The ability to manage my schedule, broaden my skillset, take ownership of projects, and grow my income has given me a newfound career passion.

While freelancing presents challenges, I made the right choice to prioritize freedom, learning, and ownership over just collecting a regular paycheck. This career path aligns far better with my values and desire for a fulfilling work life.



Patrick Lumumba

Dad, husband, WordPress Web Developer, Blogger, Citizen | Nairobi, Kenya | I ❤️ Coffee | Find me at