The power of writing and how it changed my life

Patrick Lumumba
2 min readJan 5, 2024
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Writing has been a powerful tool in my life. Back in the day, I used to regularly write down my thoughts, feelings, and stories in a personal notebook.

This act of putting pen to paper to express myself provided me with therapeutic benefits and personal growth that I’ve carried with me to this day.

In my notebook, I would write about my daily experiences, relationships, dreams, worries — anything that was on my mind or heart.

Oftentimes, when I felt sad, anxious, or overwhelmed, I would turn to my trusty notebook. There was something liberating about pouring out my emotions and inner world into words on a page.

Writing became an outlet for me to process challenging circumstances and make sense of my experiences.

Beyond being a form of therapy, writing also helped shape my identity and values.

As I wrote about my hopes, goals, and relationships, I gained greater clarity and direction. Putting my thoughts into words enabled me to understand myself better.

I also enjoyed capturing memories and moments through descriptive, imaginative stories. Looking back, I see that my notebook contains a rich tapestry of my inner life during those formative years.

Though I only wrote for myself, the practice taught me the power of the written word. I learned how to articulate my perspective better and make sense of the world around me.

Writing became a tool for untangling complex emotions, gaining wisdom, and discovering my voice. Writing brought organization, insight, and confidence.

My writing also sparked a love of reading. As I wrote more, I became drawn to published memoirs, essays, and fiction.

I was inspired by authors who were able to transport readers to different times, places, and perspectives. Their words moved me emotionally and expanded my worldview. I realized the potential of writing to educate, connect, and transform.

Now, when I put pen to paper or fingers to keyboard, I feel gratitude for those early days of journaling in my notebook. Writing will always be a gift I can give myself whenever I need clarity, growth, or comfort.

And whenever I publish anything, a blog post or a book, I always thank my younger self for exploring the power of words during those formative years.

Writing will forever be a tool I can use to make sense of myself and the world around me.



Patrick Lumumba

Dad, husband, WordPress Web Developer, Blogger, Citizen | Nairobi, Kenya | I ❤️ Coffee | Find me at