How to get clients as a freelance web developer — 13 strategies that actually work

Patrick Lumumba
11 min readNov 7, 2023


Photo by Caspar Camille Rubin on Unsplash

Are you a freelance web developer looking for more clients? Do you want to grow your business and income? If so, you’re not alone. Many web developers struggle with finding and retaining clients, especially in a competitive market.

But don’t worry, there are proven strategies that can help you attract and keep clients as a web developer. In this story, I’ll share with you 13 tips on how to get clients as a web developer, based on my own experience and research.

Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced web developer, these strategies will help you boost your visibility, credibility, and profitability as a freelancer.

Let’s get started!

1. Build an online portfolio

An online portfolio is a great way to showcase your work and attract potential clients. It’s like a resume, but more interactive and engaging.

A good portfolio should include:

Your best work: Choose projects that demonstrate your skills and experience in web development. Include screenshots, links, and testimonials from your clients.

Your services: Explain what you can do for your clients, what kind of projects you specialize in, and what technologies you use. For example, if you are well conversant with React.js, mention it.

Your contact information: Make it easy for clients to reach out to you. Include your email, phone number, social media handles, and a contact form.

Your portfolio should be professional, user-friendly, and responsive. Make sure it works well on different devices and browsers. You can use conten management systems like WordPress to create your portfolio or code it from scratch.

2. Use freelance websites

Freelance websites like Upwork, Fiverr, and Freelancer are great places to find clients. They have millions of users looking for web development services. You can create a profile on these platforms, and bid on projects that match your skills and interests.

To succeed on freelance websites, you need to:

Create a profile that stands out: Include your skills, experience, portfolio, and ratings. Write a catchy headline and a compelling summary that highlights your value proposition.

Bid on relevant projects: Browse through the available projects and apply for those that suit your niche and expertise. Write a personalized proposal that addresses the client’s needs and showcases your skills.

Deliver quality work: Once you get hired, communicate with the client regularly, follow the instructions, and deliver the work on time and within budget. Ask for feedback and reviews, and maintain a good reputation.

3. Browse online job boards

Online job boards like Indeed and Glassdoor are great places to find web development jobs. They have thousands of listings from companies and organizations looking for web developers. You can search for jobs by location, keyword, or category, and apply for those that interest you.

To land a job from online job boards, you need to:

Tailor your resume and cover letter to the job you’re applying for: Highlight your relevant skills, experience, and achievements. Use keywords from the job description and show how you can add value to the company or organization.

Follow up with the employer: After you submit your application, send a follow-up email to the employer. Express your interest in the job, restate your qualifications, and ask for an interview.

Ace the interview: Prepare for the interview by researching the company or organization, reviewing your portfolio, and practising common questions. Dress professionally, be confident, and showcase your personality and skills.

4. Create quality connections on LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a great place to connect with potential clients. It’s the largest professional network in the world, with over 950 million users. You can use LinkedIn to:

Create a professional profile: Include your skills, experience, portfolio, and recommendations. Write a catchy headline and a compelling summary that highlights your value proposition.

How to Network & Build Valuable Connections as a Developer |

Connect with people in your industry: Find and connect with web developers, web designers, web agencies, and web-related businesses. Join relevant groups and participate in discussions. Share your insights, opinions, and tips on web development. You can connect with me on LinkedIn via this link.

Reach out to potential clients: Identify and contact people who might need your services. Send them a personalized message that introduces yourself, explains what you do, and offers your help.

5. Contact the people you know

One of the easiest ways to get clients as a web developer is to contact the people you know. Your friends, family, colleagues, classmates, and acquaintances might need your services, or know someone who does. You can reach out to them via email, phone, social media, or in person, and let them know you’re available for work.

When you contact the people you know, you should:

Be clear about what you do: Explain what kind of web development services you offer, what kind of projects you specialize in, and what technologies you use.

Be specific about what you need: Ask them if they need your services, or if they know anyone who does. Provide them with your portfolio, rates, and contact information.

Be grateful for their help: Thank them for their time, attention, and referrals. Offer them a discount, a referral fee, or a free service as a token of appreciation.

6. Ask for referrals

If you’ve worked with clients in the past, ask them for referrals. Word of mouth is a powerful marketing tool and one of the best ways to get clients as a web developer. People trust recommendations from people they know and are more likely to hire you if someone they trust vouches for you.

To get referrals from your clients, you should:

Do a great job: Deliver quality work, meet the deadlines, and exceed the expectations. Make your clients happy and satisfied with your services.

Ask for feedback and reviews: Ask your clients for feedback and reviews on your work. Use their testimonials and ratings to showcase your skills and credibility. Use Google My Business profile or Trustpilot to collect reviews from your clients.

Ask for referrals: Ask your clients if they know anyone who might need your services. Provide them with your portfolio, rates, and contact information. Offer them a discount, a referral fee, or a free service as a token of appreciation.

7. Do outreach

Outreach is the process of reaching out to potential clients and offering your services. It’s a proactive way to get clients as a web developer, instead of waiting for them to come to you. You can do outreach via email, social media, or phone, and target people who might need your services.

To do outreach effectively, you should:

Do your research: Find and identify potential clients who might need your services. Learn about their business, their goals, their challenges, and their needs.

Personalize your message: Write a personalized message that introduces yourself, explains what you do, and offers your help. Highlight your skills, experience, and value proposition. Include a call to action that invites them to reply, visit your website, or schedule a call.

Follow up: Don’t give up after sending one message. Follow up with your prospects until you get a response. Remind them of your offer, provide them with more information, and overcome their objections.

8. Network with potential clients

Networking is the process of meeting and interacting with potential clients. It’s a great way to get clients as a web developer, as it allows you to build relationships, trust, and rapport with them. You can network with potential clients by attending events, conferences, and meetups related to web development.

To network with potential clients effectively, you should:

Bring business cards: Business cards are a simple and professional way to exchange your contact information with potential clients. Make sure your business cards include your name, title, website, and email.

Cool Tip: Add a QR Code on your business card.

Be prepared to talk about your work: Have a short and catchy pitch that summarizes what you do, what kind of projects you specialize in, and what technologies you use. Be ready to show your portfolio and answer questions about your work.

Follow up: After meeting potential clients, follow up with them via email, phone, or social media. Remind them of who you are, what you do, and how you can help them. Invite them to visit your website, schedule a call, or start a project.

9. Do content marketing

Content marketing is the process of creating and sharing valuable content that showcases your skills and expertise as a web developer. It’s a great way to get clients as a web developer, as it allows you to demonstrate your knowledge, attract traffic, and generate leads. You can do content marketing by creating blog posts, videos, podcasts, ebooks, and other types of content related to web development.

To do content marketing effectively, you should:

Choose a topic that interests your target audience: Find out what kind of problems, questions, and goals your potential clients have, and create content that addresses them. Provide useful information, tips, and solutions that showcase your skills and experience.

Optimize your content for SEO: Use keywords, titles, headings, and meta tags that help your content rank higher on search engines. This will help potential clients find you when they search for web development services.

Include a call to action: At the end of your content, include a call to action that invites your readers to take the next step. This could be visiting your website, subscribing to your newsletter, downloading your ebook, or contacting you for a quote.

10. Make use of local SEO

Local SEO is the process of optimizing your website for local search. It’s a great way to get clients as a web developer, as it allows you to target potential clients in your area. Many people search for web development services near them, and local SEO can help you rank higher on local search results.

To make use of local SEO, you should:

Include your location in your website’s metadata: Use your city, state, and zip code in your website’s title, description, and keywords. This will help search engines and potential clients know where you’re based.

Create a Google My Business profile: This is the easiest and possibly the best method of optimizing your freelance business for local SEO. After you have created a Google My Business profile, ensure that it’s optimized. And, be sending your clients to the profile so they can leave reviews about your business.

11. Build an online presence

Building an online presence means creating and maintaining profiles on social media platforms like X (Formerly Twitter) and Instagram. These platforms can help you showcase your work, connect with potential clients, and establish your brand as a web developer. To build an online presence, you should:

Choose the platforms that suit your niche and audience: Find out where your potential clients hang out online and create profiles on those platforms. For example, if you work with business coaches, you might want to use LinkedIn and Facebook.

Share your work and insights: Post your portfolio, blog posts, videos, podcasts, and other content that demonstrates your skills and expertise. Share your insights, opinions, and tips on web development. Engage with your followers and other web developers.

Promote your services: Use your social media profiles to promote your services and attract clients. Include a link to your website, a call to action, and a clear value proposition. Use hashtags, keywords, and tags to increase your visibility.

12. Attend events and conferences

Attending events and conferences is a great way to network with potential clients and learn about the latest trends in web development. You can attend events and conferences in person or online, depending on your preferences and availability. To attend events and conferences effectively, you should:

Choose the events and conferences that are relevant to your niche and goals: Find out what kind of events and conferences are happening in your industry and area. Choose the ones that match your niche and goals. For example, if you work with hotels and restaurants, you might want to attend events and conferences related to hospitality and tourism.

Prepare for the events and conferences: Before attending the events and conferences, do some research on the speakers, attendees, and topics. Prepare some questions, comments, and pitches that you can use to start conversations. Bring your business cards and portfolio.

WordCamp Masaka 2023 Attendees | Photo by WordCamp Masaka 2023

Follow up after the events and conferences: After attending the events and conferences, follow up with the people you met and connected with. Send them an email, a message, or a phone call. Remind them of who you are, what you do, and how you can help them. Invite them to visit your website, schedule a call, or start a project.

13. Build a reputation on online forums

Building a reputation on online forums means participating in online forums and communities related to web development. These forums can help you demonstrate your knowledge, answer questions, and connect with potential clients. To build a reputation on online forums, you should:

Choose the online forums that are relevant to your niche and audience: Find out what kind of online forums and communities exist in your industry and area. Choose the ones that match your niche and audience. For example, if you work with dentists, you might want to join online forums and communities related to dentistry and oral health.

Provide value in the online forums: Join the discussions, answer questions, and provide solutions that showcase your skills and experience. Share your insights, opinions, and tips on web development. Be helpful, respectful, and professional.

Promote your services in the online forums: Use your online forum profile to promote your services and attract clients. Include a link to your website, a call to action, and a clear value proposition. Use signatures, signatures, and tags to increase your visibility.


Getting clients as a web developer can be challenging, but not impossible. By following these 13 tips, you can increase your chances of finding and retaining clients as a freelance web developer. Remember to:

· Build an online portfolio that showcases your best work and skills

· Use freelance websites, online job boards, and local SEO to find clients online

· Create connections on LinkedIn, contact the people you know, and ask for referrals to find clients offline

· Do outreach, network with potential clients, and do content marketing to offer your services and generate leads

· Attend events and conferences, build an online presence, and build a reputation on online forums to establish your brand and credibility

· Set your rates, create a work schedule, and communicate clearly to manage your projects and clients effectively

· Stay updated with the latest trends, tools, and technologies to offer innovative solutions to your clients.

· Keep track of your income and expenses, and develop resilience and problem-solving skills to manage your business effectively

I hope this story helps you get clients as a web developer. If you enjoyed the story, please clap, leave a comment, and follow me so I can stay motivated to do stories like this.



Patrick Lumumba

Dad, husband, WordPress Web Developer, Blogger, Citizen | Nairobi, Kenya | I ❤️ Coffee | Find me at