Fail fast

Patrick Lumumba
2 min readJan 4, 2024
Photo by Lindsay Henwood on Unsplash

Failure is never easy, but one of the most important things you can do is fail fast and fail forward.

When you experience failure or setbacks, don’t let it discourage you or make you give up on your goals. Instead, use it as a learning opportunity so you can correct the course and try again, smarter and stronger.

Failing fast means recognizing when something isn’t working as soon as possible and then quickly moving on.

Don’t stubbornly stick with a strategy or plan that clearly isn’t succeeding — be willing to be flexible, change your approach, and try something different.

The faster you can do this, the faster you’ll find what does work.

Failing fast allows you to stay nimble and prevents wasted time and resources on ultimately fruitless paths.

While failure is never completely painless, by using it as a learning experience, you can minimize the discomfort and maximize the gain.

View failures and setbacks as opportunities rather than disasters. Sometimes, you have to kiss a lot of frogs before finding a prince.

Stay positive, be adaptable, and remember that mistakes today can lead to growth and success tomorrow.

You often have to take risks and push boundaries in order to innovate and improve.

While reflecting on failures is important, don’t overly criticize yourself either.

The most resilient people recognize that setbacks are part of any meaningful endeavor.

How you respond to challenges speaks more to your character than whether you face them in the first place.

Keep your eyes on the horizon, and don’t get bogged down in the inevitable stumbles along the way.

As Thomas Edison once said about his many failed attempts at improving the lightbulb, “I have not failed 10,000 times. I have successfully found 10,000 ways that will not work.”

When approached in a positive, constructive way, failures truly can become breakthroughs in disguise.

So next time something doesn’t go according to plan, remember to fail fast and keep moving forward smarter.

The path to success isn’t always a straight line — but each bend and curve builds character, wisdom, and grit.



Patrick Lumumba

Dad, husband, WordPress Web Developer, Blogger, Citizen | Nairobi, Kenya | I ❤️ Coffee | Find me at