Blogging in 15 Show now live

Patrick Lumumba
2 min readMar 16, 2024
Photo by James McKinven on Unsplash

If you’re a blogger or aspiring to start a blog, you know how overwhelming it can be to navigate the vast world of content creation, SEO, monetization strategies, and more. That’s why I’m thrilled to announce the launch of my new podcast, “Blogging in 15 Show.”

In this show, I’ll be sharing concise, actionable tips and insights on various aspects of blogging, all packaged into easy-to-digest episodes of 15 minutes or less. No fluff, no rambling — just straight-to-the-point advice to help you level up your blogging game.

The inaugural episode is now live, serving as an introduction to the show and giving you a taste of what’s to come. In future episodes, we’ll dive into topics like:

  • SEO strategies to boost your blog’s visibility
  • Content creation tips to engage your audience
  • Monetization methods to turn your passion into profit
  • Best practices for starting and growing a successful blog
  • And much more.
1st Episode of Blogging in 15 Show.

Whether you’re a seasoned blogger looking to refine your approach or a newcomer just starting out, “Blogging in 15 Show” is designed to be a valuable resource for bloggers of all levels.

You can tune in to “Blogging in 15 Show” on your favourite podcast platform, including:

New episodes will be released regularly, so be sure to subscribe and never miss an update.

I’m excited to embark on this journey with you and share my passion for blogging in these bite-sized sessions. Get ready to take your blog to new heights, one 15-minute episode at a time!



Patrick Lumumba

Dad, husband, WordPress Web Developer, Blogger, Citizen | Nairobi, Kenya | I ❤️ Coffee | Find me at